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Mac Tips & Tricks

Add/Delete Fingerprints to TouchID on Your Mac

  • Catherine
  • Apr 05,2017
  • 2069


As TouchID has been added to the latest MacBook Pro, users can quickly unlock their Macs and easily make purchases using Apple Pay with their fingerprints. Located on the right side of the Touch Bar at the top of the keyboard, Touch ID saves you the trouble of typing password when you start up, restart, or log in to your user account. And how can you add additional fingerprints to your Touch ID equipped Macs? First of all, head to the Apple menu > System Preferences, and click Touch ID from there.

Now choose Add a Fingerprint in the Touch ID panel, and then rest one of your finger on the Touch ID sensor, and tap several time following the onscreen instructions.

You are supposed to be prompted to enter your user account password during the last step. Just follow the onscreen instructions that follow, and then you can check the boxes below to select the Touch ID features that you want to use on your Mac.

As the fingerprint sensor is filled out and says “Touch ID is Ready”, click on Done appearing on the screen, and the fingerprint will be added to Touch ID on your Mac.

So that’s how you can add a fingerprint to the Touch ID, and you can repeat the process with your other fingerprints. You are allowed to add up to three different ones.

Want to name the fingerprint you just added? Just click directly on the original name of the fingerprint, type the one you would like to name, and press Return key.

To disable or delete fingerprints, here are the simple steps: hover the pointer over a fingerprint in Touch ID panel, and a Delete (x) button appears. Click the delete button, and then enter your password to remove the fingerprint.

For more information about Touch ID, see the page here.

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